An Online Quality Assurance Plan: A Six-Step Process for the Development and Implementation for an Online Program Area


Developing and implementing policies for the use of Quality Matters online course design standards and online course delivery standards in an online program area can be challenging and cumbersome. Additionally, it is important to have organized policies and procedures regarding course design and course delivery in place for oversight of fully online programs in order to compete in the education marketplace.

I have developed a six-step process for the development and implementation of a quality assurance plan in an online program area: 

1) Distance Education Policy Development (Sample policy manual take-away);

2) Training Assurance;

3) Identification of Willing Internal QM Review Participants;

4) Organization and Scheduling of Individual and Team Course Reviews;

5) Course Reviews and Presentation of Feedback (Sample fully online course teaching evaluation form and hybrid course teaching evaluation form take-aways); &

6) Assist Instructors in Implementing Course Improvements.

This six-step process can serve as a model for distance learning QA personnel in various university settings for constructing and implementing policies regarding distance education.

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