What is it Like to Use QM on Campus?


What is it like to use QM on Campus? What does QM adoption mean for faculty members? How does QM impact the administrators and staff responsible for online course support and creation? What effect do institutional factors (size, research status, private/public, faculty type, mission, etc.) have on how QM is adopted? What kind of roles do instructional designers, media developers, curriculum support specialists, and other staff play at QM institutions? Questions like these are raised on a regular basis by individuals contemplating the adoption of Quality Matters. Many who have already adopted QM continue to ask these questions as they seek to improve their own practice.  As a result of the liberty Quality Matters member institutions are afforded to adapt and customize QM to their unique needs, no two institutions have implemented Quality Matters in quite the same way and thus these questions have many correct answers. This rich patchwork of practice and experience that has arisen across institutions and among the staff, faculty and administrators is one of the strong points of the Quality Matters approach. With it has emerged a willingness and enthusiasm among QM members to share common and contrasting experiences, challenges and successes, and varied models of implementation. This interactive Panel Discussion will offer insight into some of these experiences addressing not only various institution types, but also across the experiences of personnel on the ground in these institutions who are implementing Quality Matters in their day to day work. The panel members will address commonly asked questions as well questions from the audience participants directly related to what it is like to adopt and use Quality Matters on Campus.

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