Designing Effective Teaching and Significant Learning-Planning For and Integrating Course Design


Participants will analyze one of their own courses and will use materials to examine the situational factors and pedagogical challenges. They will have share these in discussions to learn from one another. They will develop course outcomes and/or competencies or modify existing ones to complete a table which will align outcomes with assessments and learning activities. A crosswalk and discussion of multiple assessments and activities will be shared to help participants further develop their courses for significant learning.
Provide opportunities for participants to discuss and question their current practices in delivering courses in a safe environment. Course design is a complex process and provides many challenges in order to provide significant learning for students so they successfully complete the course and can be retained to complete programs. The opportunity to share practices with one another in order to gain faculty, student, and designer buy in as well as the application of design theory.

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Names of Co-Presenters
Zala Fashant

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