The QM Ohio Year of Review: Building a Statewide Culture of Online Quality


The QM Ohio Consortium has now been in existence for 10 years. Despite having 60 member institutions, we have noticed that some institutions engage deeply with QM, while others do not. In order to address this, we announced an initiative in 2018 called the "QM Year of Review". This initiative was designed to help spur the adoption of QM across our member institutions, promote official course reviews, and encourage faculty and staff to complete QM professional development. We will share the many outcomes of this initiative and provide strategies for developing your own push for online quality.

Additionally, we will discuss how our consortium has grown and share how we have reorganized our efforts to support our membership, strategies we have incorporated to attract interest from non-member institutions, and our methods for promoting course reviews through the use of our bartering system. Participants will have an opportunity to ask questions of the QM Ohio leadership team, and also gain access to a wealth of resources we've created over the years to help institutions in their implementation of QM, such as our Hosting Handbook, Institution Personas, and Tough Questions Cheat Sheet.

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Names of Co-Presenters
Tammy Macek
Chuck Piscitello
Lisa Clark