2016 Annual Conference

Faculty Reflections on Launching and Sustaining a QM Initiative

GA Southern University launched a QM internal course review pilot in Spring 2015 consisting of 10 teams from 9 disciplines. After course reviews were completed, the teams were asked to write a reflection piece of their experience of the review process. They then shared their reflections with the campus during a poster session for a QM Course Review Showcase. This presentation analyzes those reflections and presents the themes that emerged.

All Courses Rise with the Tide - Raising the QM Sails at a Large Institution

Now that QM has been implemented at our institutions, what is the strategy to expand and grow participation? What tools or approaches have been proven to be successful in getting continued faculty buy-in and participation? How do we keep the momentum going even as we face major institutional changes that will impact our organizations? This session will enable participants in any phase of QM implementation to identify strategies that can move their own institutions forward in growing QM and improving course quality across the board.

The Impact of QM: Before and After

Are you considering implementation of QM?  Is your leadership or faculty questioning the significance of QM?  In three years New Mexico State University Alamogordo has gone from having no courses designed around the QM Standards to 100% of its courses designed around the QM Standards.  Hear what the impact of QM has been for online students, for face-to-face students, and for the institution as a whole.  The team responsible for the success will share the distance education picture before QM and the picture now that QM is fully implemented.  Quantitative and qualita

QM International Initiatives & iQM Association

Come join Dr Deb Adair, QM's Executive Director, and Dr Yaping Gao, QM's Senior Academic Director of Programs and Services, to learn what initiatives QM has been involved with on the international front, and to share ideas on how QM can expand its impact and influence in non-English speaking regions. This session will also serve as the inauguration meeting for the iQM Association, a group of QM advocates with foreign language proficiency and cultural awareness. For those interested and qualified, it's not too late to join the iQM Association.

Implementing QM towards Program Certification

Come join Dr Yaping Gao, QM's Senior Academic Director of Programs & Services, and Melissa Poole, Director of Quality Assurance, to learn about the benefits of implementing QM and share the challenges you are facing implementing QM at your institution.  The facilitators will also share QM's recently developed candidacy approach that prepares institutions for Program Certification, a new program QM recently launched to help institutions initiate and implement quality assurance beyond the course level.

QM Overview

This 50-minute session is designed for faculty, staff, and administrators relatively new to QM. Come join Dr Yaping Gao, QM's Senior Academic Director of Programs and Services, and Brenda Boyd, Director of Professional Development, for a quick introduction of QM, how it works, what's in it for institutions, and how QM can support efforts to help students succeed.

What to Do When We Don't Know What We Don't Know: Lessons Learned from QM Rookies

It's hard to know what to do when we don't know what we don't know about implementing and maintaining Quality Matters at our institutions. Join three QM rookies for this discussion on implementation and sustainability of QM at their respective institutions. Katie Bridges, Holly Owens, and Cara Richard will share innovative ways to implement and maintain QM through best practices and life lessons.

QM and Digital Credentialing Along the Oregon Trail: A Convergence of Best Practices from a Two-Year Study and Cross-Institutional Collaboration

The University of Mississippi Medical Center is leveraging its first QM certification in 2016 to scale across the institution. Through a cross-campus partnership, research-based metrics and processes are being developed using Kirkpatrick's four stage training model to pair digital credentialing with learning milestones achieved by QM faculty cohorts. Utilizing both quantitative and qualitative methods, the two-year project will empower the team to relay to administrators effective strategies for implementing future endeavors involving scale and behavioral change.