Research on QM Impact: Getting the Most Bang for Your QM


When the topic of QM Research is brought up, what comes to mind for many is research on the impact on courses, instructors, and students that results from implementing Quality Matters. Studies on QM impact are, in fact, one important focus of QM Research, with the others being research that supports the QM Rubric and process and research that examines the use of QM. A basis in regular, rigorous, continuous validation through research is what makes the QM Rubric unique.

This session focuses on quality research regarding QM's impact on courses, instructors, and students and summarizes their findings. Information shared by the presenters will warm up attendees to participate in a discussion about the studies' strengths and what could have improved the studies, as well as the challenges of doing research on QM and any "burning" questions they have about QM impact.

Attendees will learn about course improvements, changes in instructor and learner activity with their courses, and improved student course completions and grades - and QM's role in those results.They will leave the session with an understanding of these studies within the context of QM and an informed  perspective on common challenges of engaging in educational research.

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Names of Co-Presenters
Kay Shattuck