What are the guidelines for using QM logos & marks in our materials?

Members may use the QM logo to identify themselves as QM subscribing members and to identify any training they are licensed to deliver. Any other use — such as in brochures, flyers and promotional materials — must be approved by Quality Matters.

Basic guidelines:
  • Request a current version to use in print and/or digital materials.
  • QM logos may not be altered or redrawn in any way, including changes in typestyle, proportion, letter spacing, color or placement of the individual elements making up the logo.
  • The QM logo or its likeness cannot be used as an institution logo or for any other commercial purpose.
  • The minimum width of the logo should be one inch.
  • The logo should appear on a white field with a minimum of .125" (approximately 50px) between it and any other elements.

Using QM Certification Marks

Courses that successfully meet QM Review Standards in an official course review are eligible to carry the QM Certification Mark that is specific to the QM Rubric version used in the course review.

Policies governing the use of the QM Certification Mark:
  1. The use and access of the course certification mark is authorized by the QM Course Review department.
  2. Wherever the certification mark is displayed, the following text may be displayed: “This certification mark recognizes that this course met Quality Matters Review Standards.”
  3. No other language is acceptable unless specifically approved by QM.
  4. The registered (trademarked) QM Certification Mark is the only acceptable graphic to be used to signify course certification.
  5. QM Certification Marks are owned by Quality Matters and are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. The certification marks are only used in connection with the specific course (identified by both the title and the associated Course Representative) that met standards in an official QM review.
  6. The QM Certification Mark must appear clear and as a stand-alone image. It may not be altered or redrawn in any way, including changes in typestyle, proportion, letter spacing, color or placement of the individual elements making up the mark.
  7. The QM Certification Mark's likeness cannot be used as an institution logo or for any other commercial purpose.
  8. The certification mark on a course is not transferable to another instructor or institution. Please refer to the QM Multi-Section Policy for master courses and course clones.
  9. Courses more than five (5) years old must be recertified if they wish to continue to display the QM Certification Mark. For courses that have undergone significant revision before their five-year anniversary, recertification is required sooner. K-12 Publisher Certification is good for three (3) years, not five (5) years.
  10. The certification mark is meant to be displayed on the course syllabus, course catalog or within the course in the organization’s learning management system. With the QM Certification Mark widget, institutions may also list the mark where they deem appropriate.
  11. Only courses that have completed a successful, official QM review and have been awarded the QM Certification Mark are eligible to be listed as having met QM Review Standards. Alternate formats of the course would require a subsequent review.
  12. Using the QM Certification Mark enables institutions to demonstrate commitment to quality assurance tools and trainings and that the course has met a national benchmark for quality course design.

Request for QM Logo

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