2018 QM Connect Conference

Designing for All, It's All in the Design

We’re not telling you it’s going to be easy; we’re telling you it’s going to be worth it. Making digital content accessible for all so learners can access all content and activities and all learners can easily navigate and interact with all course components is our job. This session will explore the QM Standard 8 and give participants quick tips & examples to help meet the guidelines.

Head 'Em Out! Move 'Em On! Developing a Quality Assurance Program Using Quality Matters

How does QM align fractured processes into a cohesive QA program? Join a QA administrator, instructional designer, and online faculty member on the path from an unregulated Wild West online environment to a Modern era of structured course design and a review process that fully integrate QM standards. Review your own program, place it on the QM Continuum, and learn from other participants about their struggles and successes. This session will get you on the road of where you want to be with tips and tricks on how to arrive at your desired destination.

Smarter Not Harder: Efficiently and Effectively Meet Standards Using Your LMS

Leverage the features in your LMS to meet QM standards on an institutional level allowing faculty to focus on the content standards. An instructional designer, division leadership, faculty from Humanities, Math, and Health Sciences will explain how a college wide approach to meeting standards is saving faculty course representatives time and creating a consistent user experience for all students college wide.