2018 QM Connect Conference

Creative Alternatives for Fiscally Responsible Quality Assurance

How do you institute optimal quality assurance on a budget? The conversation revolves around creative and innovative ways of ensuring quality through the use of available institutional resources. We share a four tier review process and discuss ways to manage the process.

This is a "conversation that matters" session and as such will involve group discussions.

Academic Rigor

Academic rigor is promised by educational institutions, but translation from theory to practice poses challenges. This session explores attendees' definitions, interprets QM Standards as evidence of rigor, and solicits areas needing further research.

Design Exams in Science Courses That Truly Measure Learning Outcomes

The main objective of this presentation is to share and demonstrate how online instructors can design and transform exams in science courses from the paper-pencil format to online assessments. In Engineering as in many other math and science disciplines, most exams need to assess students' mastery of knowledge and skills with calculation as well as problem solving, so exams made of mostly multiple-choice questions are not effective to  measure learning outcomes.

Charting a Course to Quality Student learning

Sometimes students’ learning experience is off course from the syllabus or course outline. Quite often faculty are not course designers, but subject matter experts navigating through unchartered territory called course design. Chart a course to quality student learning by mapping course and module objectives to learning activities and assessments. In this session, learn how college faculty use a performance-based course design model and tool to ensure a quality learning experience for their students.