Conference Presentations

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Take the Next Step with a QM Faculty Learning Community

Many faculty at this institution have completed the APPQMR training, yet seem unable to take the next step. A Faculty Learning Community (FLC) was created, giving faculty a place to discuss how to revise their courses to meet Quality Matters Standards. Learn more about the FLC structure, meeting agendas, materials used, and results. Participants will also be provided with several of the tools and resources that were developed for this Faculty Learning Community and will leave with a template for creating an FLC at their schools.

Taming the Lions, Tigers, and Bears of Online Course Management

There is never enough time. Even with a well-designed course, the management of an online course can eat up a lot of time. Then there are the emails… While you will continue to receive emails, there are strategies you can explore to help you reign in those management tasks that take you away from engaging with your students and providing meaningful feedback on their work. 

Taming the Tiger: When new Educational Paradigms Roar

Mayhem and Madness. Making the fast and furious shift to Emergency Remote Learning has brought new challenges for us all. The quick response from the educational community has been heroic, and we've risen to the occasion, but what's next? It's time to reflect on what we've learned and transforming from Emergency Remote Instruction to longer term quality online learning. Find out how K-12 schools and districts are meeting the challenge.

Targeting Program Design Certification: Leveraging Quality Matters Standards for Program Continuous Improvement

With an institutional goal of demonstrating academic excellence through program-level accreditation/certification, but without an accrediting body for the MS in Educational Psychology - Experimental Psycholgy Program, we are looking to QM to help us ensure the quality of this online degree. We are implementing multiple program-level revisions and building evidence to support an application for QM Program Design Certification. This QM-driven initiative extends QM Standards "upward" to program-level continuous improvement processes.

Teaching in the Tower of Babel: Creating World Language/English Language Learning Activities

Do you find world language and English as a new language courses tricky to design? We can help! Bring your smartphone/device with you to explore OER activities and tools aligned to common language objectives in this highly interactive session.

Learning Objectives: After this session, participants will be able to . . .

Team-Based Learning to Facilitate Active Learning in Large-Size Online Courses

Demands on today’s faculty in the classroom seem to be constantly growing. No longer are we expected to just “teach our content”, but we also need to make sure our students are work-force ready, are engaged, supported, and motivated. Oh wait, you need to teach your course online or in a hy-flex model and your class size has doubled? Don't worry, you got this and I'll show you how. In this session my goal is to show you that teaching can still be fun while we try to meet the ever changing needs and expectations of our students.

Technology vs. Innovation: Strategies for Building an Engaging Online Course

Does the inclusion of technology alone make a course innovative? While technology plays a significant role in education, it should serve as a means to an end rather than the end goal.

Innovation in it's simplest form means change. It's in the way we design our courses, create our objectives,  implement our instructional materials, and design our assessments; rather than the colors, templates, technologies or the size of our wallets.

Templates and Goals: Positioning Faculty Members for Success

As educators, we often talk about setting up our students for success. However, in this session we will turn the tables and discuss setting up faculty members for success. QM has a set of eight Standards associated with quality online courses; these Standards cover everything from learning objectives to learner support. Even though teachers are responsible for the content in their courses, the use of a template can ease the burden of developing common materials. This session will cover items to include in the template as well as the use of Blackboard Goals.

The ABCs of Online Course Development: APPQMR, Backward Design, and Collaboration

Discover a simple way to start developing online courses with APPQMR, Backward Design, and Collaboration. Learn from our Course Development Program's successes and explore how you can implement APPQMR, ensure course materials align with course and module objectives by using Backward Design (or Course Mapping) with faculty and integrate collaboration in each step of the process. This session offers practical solutions for implementing an Online Course Development Program at your organization. 

The benefits of a liberated syllabus

The syllabus is the foundation of the course. How do you take the
syllabus and liberate it to perform by meeting the standards? We designed a unique review process based on the
11 parts of a syllabus and the Quality Matters standards. We will discuss the benefits to the faculty and students.
1: The participants will list the 11 parts of a syllabus.
2: The participants will identify the parts of each standard that applies to the syllabus.
3: The participants will list at least one benefit of the review process for the designer and faculty

The Challenge to Rewire Instructors' Brains

How do we engage faculty in training and QM? We know when online instructors do not receive proper training to transition from applying traditional best practices to applying online best practices that promote and encourage engagement, socially, cognitively, and with the instructor, students may disengage. As leaders, we must continue to develop and define transition plans, and best practices as technology changes. We must also encouraging a working relationship between instructional designers and faculty. Let's discuss what this looks like.

The Changing Landscape of Accreditation: Implications for Higher Education Institutions

This session will share insights with conference attendees about what changes are on the horizon for quality assurance in higher education. Topics will include understanding federal regulations and public expectations, communicating the quality of innovative instructional and delivery practices, and positioning your campus for student success and reaffirmation of accreditation.