2020 East Regional Online Conference

Better than "Good Enough:" Quality at Scale at an HBCU

When NCCU's faculty and departmental demand for QM outweighed its supply of trained personnel, the institution systematically changed its organizational framework and practices to meet its rapidly increasing needs. Join us as we explore how this institution utilizes the QM Rubric to scale quality across its curriculum by providing program-specific training, developing high-quality master courses, and empowering faculty as Quality Assurance Ambassadors.

Y'all Means All: An HBCU's Holistic Approach to Diverse Online Learner Support

While continuing its legacy of providing educational access for all, North Carolina Central University recognized the need to develop academic and student support networks reliable enough to serve as a standard for quality support yet flexible enough for personalized learner success. Join us during this highly engaging session as we investigate NCCU's research-based efforts to meet General Standard 7 and contribute to online learner support with the whole student in mind.

Creating Wraparound Supports through Internal Partnerships: Advising, IT, & IR

Low retention rates at the course and program level for online learners have dogged many institutions. By bringing together advising, IT, and institutional research / analytics professionals, The American Women's College has launched a variety of projects to achieve wrap-around supports that contribute to retention and graduation rates 20% above national averages. Attendees will brainstorm how such teamwork could transpire at their institutions to promote increased student success.

Photovoice: A Picture Can Replace a Thousand Words

Discussion threads can be tedious for students and instructors.  Lengthy responses, required participation minimums, and failure to connect with lived experience may result in discussion chore vs. discussion engagement.  Photovoice offers an alternative by challenging students to visually respond to discussion prompts and explore the course content through each other's "lens." This interactive session provides a framework for implementation along with practical constraints.

Designing for Change: Creating Transformative Online Learning Experiences

Based on research into student perceptions of online course quality and the relationship between the Community of Inquiry and Transformative Learning, this presentation demonstrates why and how to: a) create consistency in online courses; b) transition learning objectives to the method for learning rather than merely a post hoc measure of it; and c) reframe questions in assignment instructions as declarative statements to create more effective and efficient teaching and learning experiences.

Meet QM Review Standards by Applying UDL Checkpoints to the Design and Delivery of Engaging Online Learning Environments

CAST UDL Guidelines recommend providing multiple means of engagement to develop learners who are purposeful and motivated, and therefore successful in their learning pursuits. Join this active learning session to discover and map the connection between UDL checkpoints in the affective domain and QM Review Standards and then develop a UDL strategy for designing and delivering engaging learning environments that through this alignment implement numerous QM Review Standards.

A Comprehensive Framework for Assignment Design

Most of the faculty professional development efforts—whether provided by teaching and learning centers or other entities in our campuses—appear to give little attention to assessment design. Developing effective assessments is an intellectually serious task that deserves our undivided attention. In this session, we will analyze a comprehensive framework for designing meaningful assignments that not only measure students' performance, but also promote deep learning.

Accessible Accessibility: Making Sense of Specific Review Standard 8.3 in the APPQMR

An experienced APPQMR facilitator will explore the complexities of Specific Review Standard 8.3 as part of the APPQMR workshop. The presentation will include a review and analysis of all of the instructional materials available to APPQMR facilitators. The presentation will conclude with an activity in which participants craft a personal plan to introduce this standard, using a storyboard or other lesson planning tools.

Taming the Tiger: When new Educational Paradigms Roar

Mayhem and Madness. Making the fast and furious shift to Emergency Remote Learning has brought new challenges for us all. The quick response from the educational community has been heroic, and we've risen to the occasion, but what's next? It's time to reflect on what we've learned and transforming from Emergency Remote Instruction to longer term quality online learning. Find out how K-12 schools and districts are meeting the challenge.